
High School

Inviting the Next Generation to Take Their Next Steps with Jesus

About High School Ministry 

In High School Ministry (HSM), we understand that a student's high school years can be full of ups and downs. Yet, through these years, a student can establish a foundation of faith which can be built upon for therest of their lives. If you're new to HSM and want more information, please click the "Get Connected" button.

Upcoming Events

HSM sunday school

9:15 - 10:15am | Student Building
 Join us for an opportunity to dig deeper into your faith and into the gospel story. We will meet one Sunday a month to  intentionally unpack deep biblical truths. This school year, we will be studying key doctrinal beliefs about the person of God such as the Trinity, His attributes, etc.
January 19 - Soveriegnty
February 16 - Holiness
March 23 - Justice/Righteousness
April 27 - Love/Grace

HSM on Wednesdays

High School Ministry meets on Wednesday nights during the school year for a time of worship and teaching.  Afterwards,  we break into Life Groups.  Doors open at 6:30 with service starting at 7:00. Life Groups finish up around 9:00pm. 

HSM will break for the holidays, December 18 - January 8. We will see you back Wednesday, January 15!

Life Groups

We believe some of the greatest spiritual growth and development happens in the context of authentic and consistent relationships. Life Groups consist of 2-3 adult leaders and 8-10 students of the same age and gender and meet on Wednesday nights as a part of HSM. Our hope is that students move from meeting one night a week to truly living life together. For more information, contact Emma Adams at

FSM Parents

The FSM Team is here to partner with you in the discipleship of your student as they take their next steps with Jesus. Visit our FSM Parents page for resources to help you start conversations around weekly meetings, life groups, and daily life.

Serve With Us

Life Group Leader

Our Life Group leaders disciple and lead a group of 8-12 students of the same grade and gender alongside 1-2 leaders. Life Groups meet 3 Wednesday evenings a month at Fellowship.

Next Team

Welcome| Cafe | Events |Security
Our NextTeam serves HSM by creating a welcoming and safe environment for students each Wednesday night.  No matter the role, NextTeam leaders help to create the space for students to take their next step with Jesus.

Application Process

1. Complete the application below
2. Interview with high school staff member
3. Background check
4. SafeKIDS program*
*We take our responsibility to care for our students very seriously. Our SafeKIDS protection guidelines are intended to create a safe and nurturing culture where students can come to a growing relationship with Jesus. All volunteers are required to complete our SafeKIDS training prior to serving.

Our Fellowship Student Ministries Team

Stay Connected!

We have several ways for you to stay connected with everything happening in HSM.  

Social Media

On our social media accounts you will find posts with gatherings & event information, current teachings, and devotionals.


Our newsletter is sent out to parents at the beginning of each month with all the information for things coming up in HSM.  If you are not already on our email list,  please contact Emma at!


Occasionally, important information regarding HSM is texted.  Make sure you have texting enabled by emailing if you wish to receive these messages.